I've posted more entries to my blog in one day than ever before but this is rather historic.

Emotionally drained they have now been left alone to cope with their own emotions.
A statement was given to the waiting press
The mother of nine-year-old Shannon Matthews said she was overwhelmed at being reunited with her daughter.
Karen Matthews said: "I just couldn't stop crying, knowing she's back where she belongs".
"The police have helped a lot. We can't thank them enough." She went on to say, the support from the local community had been "fantastic" and she thanked them for their letters and cards of hope.
"We're just happy to be a family again. That's all we've wanted - Shannon back and safe - now the family is safe again," she said.
"The family now wanted time to come to terms with the events of the last three weeks", she added.
The youngster's father, Leon Rose, said: "I am buzzing over it - especially since Shannon has been found

"I'm over the moon and I can't wait to see her. I'll grab hold of her and gave her a cuddle and tell her I love her."
Mr Rose reiterated Mrs Matthews' messages of thanks to the police and local community.
"All that counts is that Shannon has been found safe and well. I'm thankful that the nightmare is over - it's now a dream come true," he said.
It was thought that he has already spent time yesterday with Shannon but he lives some distance away and is yet to see her.
The official line on when Shannon is due home is "soon" She is apparently doing "fine"
BUT it now seems that it was not a routine call to Mr Drake/Donovan's house?
A witness says she saw Shannon or at least a child matching Shannon's description, twice nearby on the day she disappeared. A few days later she saw a towel dumped in some bushes/trees about 30yards away from where she saw the child matching Shannon's description. The witness put two and two together called the police which is why the knock on the door.
This does not explain why it took the police force so long to get around to visiting Mr Donovan/Drake? Shannon could had been returned to her family earlier had this witnesses account been acted upon at the time. There must had been so much evidence for the police to go through and that is the only reason why such a terrible error could have occurred. I still find it hard to swallow.
Another neighbour living below Donovan/Drake (as I do not know what name he is using I will call him both), heard a child's laughter from the flat upstairs. It is not clear if this was reported before Shannon was rescued.
“Help me I am ill”, was Donovan/Drake's cry as he was led from the flat. Yes that sounds about right. Something is very wrong with that man.
I have corrected an earlier blog entry with some extra info on Shannon kidnapper's marriage. No point in me putting it here and duplicating so please go back and read if you would like to extend your knowledge.
A very important point that must be made is this.
Shannon may have developed an emotional bond with her kidnapper. This is a condition known as Stockholm Syndrome.
Shannon had no idea if she would see her family again and because of this she would have developed a bond with her kidnapper. This would have eased her anxiety and helped her to cope while she was being held.
It does not matter whether you have been treated well or if you have been mistreated by the kidnapper. It's a case of survival and finding that connection you need to survive. If Shannon has developed this which is likely, then she will need psychological help to overcome it. It is not as easy as new pink bed linen and hugs. Long term care will be needed.
I saw a report on Sky TV News this evening and I cannot remember the guy's name but he an expert in kidnappings. He was saying how in Shannon's case this is not the perfect example, what is? There was no ransom demand? There seems to be no sexual motive? So why was she taken?Why has Shannon been put 'into care' on return?
As I said on my last Shannon post, when you are a nine year old little girl, you see the world differently and maybe she thought living somewhere else was a big adventure?
Maybe Mick Donovan/Paul Drake is just a very mentally unstable man? BUT why has he changed his name.......That bit worries? If he was on the sex offenders register, the police would have identified him, unless the name change is significant?
Very worrying.
Shannon will probably be home in a couple of days when she is ready to cope with the press who will be sitting on her doorstep.
Time to leave THEM alone?.....As for Donovan or Drake?
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