I've had a nightmare trying to find a costume for my son for Friday. He wanted to be Willy Wonka but I've ended up with a Cyberman costume which will be adjusted to look like the tinman from The Wizard of Oz. Problem is that the costume looks a bit small. The joys of being a parent are never ending!

My daughter played her clarinet solo last night and apart from a couple of sweaks she was fantastic and my heart was swollen with pride. She played Tarantella by the composer Pietro Francesco Cavallini. She was the first solo performer and the girls gave her a huge cheer only out-shouted (if that was a word?) by me. The middle was a little bitty but only to be expected as she didn't rehearse as much as she could have; she will next time! My son plays his own sax solo performance tomorrow and I no doubt will be the proudest mother in the audience......Well, maybe there will be some other proud mothers too. I can easily take one of the awards at my daughter's school seeing as many of the senior girls board and many of the parents are probably in Hong Kong. No joke here, the school has a jazz group made up of six or seven girls all from Hong Kong and the music teacher and his music assistant! Talk about an odd combo but they sounded great.
Have a good day y'all. I need to see if I can sort out my emails before my wireless starts playing up.
1 comment:
Hi Piglet
#Lovely to hear from you again on the Blog and thanks for your kind words!
Glad you found a suitable costume for your son - I would have killed for a cyberman costume at that age!
All the best
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