I’ve held off writing about Tibet, it is a strong political area and I needed to research what I was talking about and fully understand it. I don't know if I really do understand it now but my blog is not just a newsreel, it is here for my thoughts too. FACTS are here on my blog for all too see too but this is a much harder entry to write as it is easy to blog about someone who has passed away; it is not so easy to comprehend why a proportion of a nation of people turn into rioters?
They have had enough!
They have had enough!

Those that can have gone over the border to Nepal. They live in basic refugee camps and hope for support from wealthier people than themselves. The luckier ones manage to get to other countries but can never return to their homeland.
"Resolutely crushed"
Today China's leading newspaper ruling Communist Party called for efforts to "resolutely crush" anti-government demonstrations by Tibetans, while Beijing urged people to turn in those on a "Most Wanted" list of 21 protesters. It has showed photos taken from video and security footage of those most wanted including monks. Beijing says that these 21 have endangered national security, and citing beating, smashing, looting and arson, and is defiant that ‘the Dalai Lama clique’ will not overthrow Chinese rule.
Xinhua, the official news agency said that Police have arrested 24 people and another 183 have
turned themselves in. Two of the 21 suspects were arrested and a third turned himself in. Rewards have been offered to those who are prepared to give information on the remaining 19 with anonymity offered.
As I have been researching this for some time now, I’m beginning to be more fearful. It is almost as though Tibet and Tibetans are not important. Why did we hear about Iraq? Read on though because you may well realise the same things that I am thinking - Who the hell is going to have a go at China? They have too much power. I think Bush would wet his pants rather than face that oriental nation. The poor souls in Tibet don’t stand a chance.
China is a growing country and we are probably fearful because it is a closed country. My daughter is a day pupil at a girls boarding school where I would say 70% of the boarders are from China or Hong Kong. The school accepts them because they will pay and why will they pay? They have lots of money and value an English private education. The Chinese are like the Japanese were in the 50's, they're economy is booming compared to most nations and no one will want to rock the boat for fear of a backlash. It might be that a British PM could say something though if the Chinese value our 'values'? Are we over a barrow? Do the Chinese have so much surplace cash that is invested in the west, could they bring down the whole world economy? NO, not likely, they would hurt themselves too much.
What is frightening, and a lot is frightening, Lodi Gyari, President of a human rights group says that the Tibetan province of U-Tsang is secretly used for testing of nuclear weapons. There have been births of deformed animals and humans in the region which provide evidence of the testing. According to Gyari, China also imports nuclear waste from the West, and dumps it in Tibet.
So China has nuclear weapons? I think we all know that and it is no wonder no one wants to deal with this dangerous monster.
A Very Little Tibetan History
Tibet has been under Chinese control since Mao Zedong led his Chinese communist gover
nment to assert power over this Buddhist country in 1950.
Since 1950, there have been a number of protests against the Chinese regime, the most brutal and bloodiest was in 1959 when the 14th and current Dalai Lama, led a failed uprising resulting in him having to leave his homeland. He now lives in exile in India but the Chinese government believes this current uprising is being led by his supporters calling them ‘The Dalai Lama clique’.
“Life in Tibet before the Chinese Communist invasion was pastoral, primitive, and peaceful. Now the majority of the population in much of Tibet is Chinese immigrants living in concrete apartment blocks”
Tibetans have had to tolerate Beijing’s policy of encouraging the Han Chinese to move to the
Tibetan Plateau for decades. The Tibetans have had all of their rights withdrawn and feel bitter because it is their homeland. They have also had their Buddhist beliefs suppressed under Chinese Communist rule.
Why would a peaceful protest turn into riots by an angry mob?
The rallies began last week when up
to 300 Buddhist monks, who were marching from their monastery in Drepung 10km from Lhasa, stopped at an agreed checkpoint where about 20 military and police vehicles were also unusually seen. Between 50 and 60 monks were detained at this checkpoint. It is unclear why the monks were detained or where they were taken. This march marked the 49th anniversary on March 10 of the 1959 uprising. Tens of thousands of men, women and children were killed in the uprising.
Many more have been killed or tortured since.
The rallies of last week escalated into violence which spread from Tibet into neighboring provinces of Sichuan, Qinghai and Gansu. All are home to Tibetan populations but it is thought that protests would no
t spread further a field as there is virtually no support for the Tibetan rioters in China.
Large-scale riots in Lhasa last week were sparked
off at when it was alleged an armoured vehicle deliberately ploughed into a crowd of people. The angry
Tibetans who have had to live with churning resentment, attacked any ethnic Chinese store, or vehicle they could find. They hurled petrol bombs, burned down a police station and a market, set fire to two police cars and a fire truck in retaliation.
Of course the Chinese authorities have photographs of what they call criminals setting fires, holding swords and causing riots. What hope have they got for a fair trial? Atrocities on the people of Tibet have increased under the new Chinese regime and if you treat people like animals then surely they will begin to act like animals. Are these
really “criminals who are carrying out activities to split the nation."?
Record of Chinese atrocities in Tibet
1.2 million Tibetans died as a direct result of Chinese atrocities.
Over 6000 monasteries and institutes of learning have been destroyed
Precious Tibetan artifacts were vandalized and sold in Hong Kong markets
Over 6000 Tibetan religious and historical literature have been destroyed
Tibetans in Tibet are second class citizen without basic Human Rights, such as Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Religion, Right to Education, etc
Tibetan women are subjected to forced abortion and sterilization
Tibetan Children are denied their right to education
70% of Tibetans living in Tibet now are illiterate
Arbitrary arrests, torture, intimidation and imprisonment without trial are the order of the day for Tibetans in their country
Tibet has been divided into different parts and incorporated with Chinese provinces, thereby removing the existing Tibetan identity
Thousands of Tibetans are still in prisons in China
Tibet’s natural resources and fragile ecology are irreversibly destroyed
6 Million Tibetans have been outnumbered by 7.5 Million Chinese inducted into Tibet causing demographic disadvantage to Tibetans in their own country
Amnesty International
Today China's leading newspaper ruling Communist Party called for efforts to "resolutely crush" anti-government demonstrations by Tibetans, while Beijing urged people to turn in those on a "Most Wanted" list of 21 protesters. It has showed photos taken from video and security footage of those most wanted including monks. Beijing says that these 21 have endangered national security, and citing beating, smashing, looting and arson, and is defiant that ‘the Dalai Lama clique’ will not overthrow Chinese rule.
Xinhua, the official news agency said that Police have arrested 24 people and another 183 have

As I have been researching this for some time now, I’m beginning to be more fearful. It is almost as though Tibet and Tibetans are not important. Why did we hear about Iraq? Read on though because you may well realise the same things that I am thinking - Who the hell is going to have a go at China? They have too much power. I think Bush would wet his pants rather than face that oriental nation. The poor souls in Tibet don’t stand a chance.
China is a growing country and we are probably fearful because it is a closed country. My daughter is a day pupil at a girls boarding school where I would say 70% of the boarders are from China or Hong Kong. The school accepts them because they will pay and why will they pay? They have lots of money and value an English private education. The Chinese are like the Japanese were in the 50's, they're economy is booming compared to most nations and no one will want to rock the boat for fear of a backlash. It might be that a British PM could say something though if the Chinese value our 'values'? Are we over a barrow? Do the Chinese have so much surplace cash that is invested in the west, could they bring down the whole world economy? NO, not likely, they would hurt themselves too much.
What is frightening, and a lot is frightening, Lodi Gyari, President of a human rights group says that the Tibetan province of U-Tsang is secretly used for testing of nuclear weapons. There have been births of deformed animals and humans in the region which provide evidence of the testing. According to Gyari, China also imports nuclear waste from the West, and dumps it in Tibet.
So China has nuclear weapons? I think we all know that and it is no wonder no one wants to deal with this dangerous monster.
A Very Little Tibetan History
Tibet has been under Chinese control since Mao Zedong led his Chinese communist gover

Since 1950, there have been a number of protests against the Chinese regime, the most brutal and bloodiest was in 1959 when the 14th and current Dalai Lama, led a failed uprising resulting in him having to leave his homeland. He now lives in exile in India but the Chinese government believes this current uprising is being led by his supporters calling them ‘The Dalai Lama clique’.
“Life in Tibet before the Chinese Communist invasion was pastoral, primitive, and peaceful. Now the majority of the population in much of Tibet is Chinese immigrants living in concrete apartment blocks”
Tibetans have had to tolerate Beijing’s policy of encouraging the Han Chinese to move to the

Why would a peaceful protest turn into riots by an angry mob?
The rallies began last week when up

Many more have been killed or tortured since.

Large-scale riots in Lhasa last week were sparked

Of course the Chinese authorities have photographs of what they call criminals setting fires, holding swords and causing riots. What hope have they got for a fair trial? Atrocities on the people of Tibet have increased under the new Chinese regime and if you treat people like animals then surely they will begin to act like animals. Are these

Record of Chinese atrocities in Tibet
1.2 million Tibetans died as a direct result of Chinese atrocities.
Over 6000 monasteries and institutes of learning have been destroyed
Precious Tibetan artifacts were vandalized and sold in Hong Kong markets
Over 6000 Tibetan religious and historical literature have been destroyed
Tibetans in Tibet are second class citizen without basic Human Rights, such as Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Religion, Right to Education, etc
Tibetan women are subjected to forced abortion and sterilization
Tibetan Children are denied their right to education
70% of Tibetans living in Tibet now are illiterate
Arbitrary arrests, torture, intimidation and imprisonment without trial are the order of the day for Tibetans in their country
Tibet has been divided into different parts and incorporated with Chinese provinces, thereby removing the existing Tibetan identity
Thousands of Tibetans are still in prisons in China
Tibet’s natural resources and fragile ecology are irreversibly destroyed
6 Million Tibetans have been outnumbered by 7.5 Million Chinese inducted into Tibet causing demographic disadvantage to Tibetans in their own country
Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch
Freedom House
Human Rights First
United Nations
Damn Lies
Beijing's official death toll from last week's rioting in Lhasa is now put at 22, rising from 10 last week. This news has come from the Xinhua News Agency who go on to report that five more civilians and a police officer died also. The Tibetan government-in-exile fear the figure is nearer 100 dead Tibetans 80 in Lhasa and in Gansu province. I have a link here – A an EXTREMELY GRAPHIC LINK of the dead from the Tibetan uprising. BE WARNED;-http://www.freetibet.org/press/kirtiphotos.html
Different newspapers and websites contain differing views and the Guardian blog is a brilliant one in my view, see link;- http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/news/2008/03/life_and_death_struggle_in_tib.html I know there are two sides to every story but I can’t see the Chinese side of things? There is money to be made from the Min Valley (a tributary of the Yangtse River), where if you should ever get to travel along it (not now, no westerners allowed in Tibet), you’d see nothing but log jams in the river. On some roads, 50 timber trucks may pass by in an hour.
Quote “The Chinese dictatorship maintains a monopoly on timber-cutting, and reserves all profits for itself.” Quote
Damn Lies

Beijing's official death toll from last week's rioting in Lhasa is now put at 22, rising from 10 last week. This news has come from the Xinhua News Agency who go on to report that five more civilians and a police officer died also. The Tibetan government-in-exile fear the figure is nearer 100 dead Tibetans 80 in Lhasa and in Gansu province. I have a link here – A an EXTREMELY GRAPHIC LINK of the dead from the Tibetan uprising. BE WARNED;-http://www.freetibet.org/press/kirtiphotos.html
Different newspapers and websites contain differing views and the Guardian blog is a brilliant one in my view, see link;- http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/news/2008/03/life_and_death_struggle_in_tib.html I know there are two sides to every story but I can’t see the Chinese side of things? There is money to be made from the Min Valley (a tributary of the Yangtse River), where if you should ever get to travel along it (not now, no westerners allowed in Tibet), you’d see nothing but log jams in the river. On some roads, 50 timber trucks may pass by in an hour.
Quote “The Chinese dictatorship maintains a monopoly on timber-cutting, and reserves all profits for itself.” Quote
A side factor of this is that no effort is made at reforestation.
It is all about land then? Maybe more about nuclear weapons? Remember what Lord Gyari said?
It is all about land then? Maybe more about nuclear weapons? Remember what Lord Gyari said?
World Leaders - Any Good?
Gordon Brown has agreed to speak to the Dalai Lama;-
Other world leaders about beginning to mumble now. I read Helen Clarke
was supposed to be having some sort of meeting with the Chinese next month? The Americans have said; "There has to be dialogue". Who with? And of course they have the famous Buddhist Richard Gere
who said; "The Tibetans have been marginalised in recent years, much more than before, and that's why you see this pressure cooker effect," OK that was helpful but he is not a MP and therefore cannot push this matter forward. Who can?
The Dalai Lama has been accused of leading the uprising but he has stated that only peaceful means must be used. He also believes Beijing should hold the Olympics and supports this. I’m not sure if sport and politics should have anything to do with each other if I’m honest. Politics is a messy enough game……But how do we help Tibet? Now I have learnt the facts, I believe Tibetans are being persecuted. I understand this. Many have had to leave their homeland rather than be had their civil liberties diminished, risk being tortured, or face murder by the dark military forces.
Snippets from the Dalai Lama’s latest speech with the full speech link at the end.
“I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to world leaders and the international community for their concern over the recent sad turn of events in Tibet and for their attempts to persuade the Chinese authorities to exercise restraint in dealing with the
“Since the Chinese Government has accused me of orchestrating these protests in Tibet, I call for a thorough investigation by a respected body, which should include Chinese representatives, to look into these allegations.”
“Whether it was intended or not, I believe that a form of cultural genocide has taken place in Tibet, where the Tibetan identity has been under constant attack.”
“The distinctive Tibetan cultural heritage with its characteristic language, customs and traditions is fading away.”
Gordon Brown has agreed to speak to the Dalai Lama;-

Other world leaders about beginning to mumble now. I read Helen Clarke

The Dalai Lama has been accused of leading the uprising but he has stated that only peaceful means must be used. He also believes Beijing should hold the Olympics and supports this. I’m not sure if sport and politics should have anything to do with each other if I’m honest. Politics is a messy enough game……But how do we help Tibet? Now I have learnt the facts, I believe Tibetans are being persecuted. I understand this. Many have had to leave their homeland rather than be had their civil liberties diminished, risk being tortured, or face murder by the dark military forces.
Snippets from the Dalai Lama’s latest speech with the full speech link at the end.
“I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to world leaders and the international community for their concern over the recent sad turn of events in Tibet and for their attempts to persuade the Chinese authorities to exercise restraint in dealing with the

“Since the Chinese Government has accused me of orchestrating these protests in Tibet, I call for a thorough investigation by a respected body, which should include Chinese representatives, to look into these allegations.”
“Whether it was intended or not, I believe that a form of cultural genocide has taken place in Tibet, where the Tibetan identity has been under constant attack.”
“The distinctive Tibetan cultural heritage with its characteristic language, customs and traditions is fading away.”
“In reality, there is no religious freedom in Tibet. Even to call for a little more freedom is to risk being labeled a separatist. Nor is there any real autonomy in Tibet, even though these basic freedoms are guaranteed by the Chinese constitution.”
“I believe the demonstrations and protests taking place in Tibet are a spontaneous outburst of public resentment built up by years of repression”
“We remain committed to taking the Middle Way approach and pursuing a process of dialogue in order to find a mutually beneficial solution to the Tibetan issue”
http://www.dalailama.com/news.218.htm FULL SPEECH
Just A little more information
Solzhenitsyn calls the Chinese rule in Tibet "more brutal and inhumane than any other communist regime in the world."
One-sixth of the Tibetan population has been exterminated in prison camps or by starvation
Chinese soldiers garrison every major town in Tibet to prevent rebellion. Elite soldiers watch the regular troops, to keep them from revolting.
President Bush led the United States into war against Saddam Hussein and his Hitlerian
practices of genocide and ecocide. Yet the President has refused to take any action against the Chinese government, whose pillage of Kuwait is at least as destructive of human rights and the environment as was Saddam's pillage of Kuwait. Instead, President Bush has urged Congress to give "Most Favoured Nation" trading status to China
Granting China easy access to U.S. export markets exacerbates Chinese demand for Tibetan natural resources
The American government has not always been so callous about Tibet. Until the early 1970s, the U.S. government provided a training camp for Tibetan freedom fighters near the Colorado mountain town of Leadville!
Can we help? What can we do?
http://www.freetibet.org/ FREE TIBET - Online link to petition, news reports etc
http://www.tibet.com/Action/index.html THE GOVERNMENT OF TIBET IN EXILE - how to write to your local congressman/PM. Make your voice heard!
http://www.helptibet.org.uk/ HELP TIBET - Practical support for Tibetan refugees living in Nepal and India

One-sixth of the Tibetan population has been exterminated in prison camps or by starvation
Chinese soldiers garrison every major town in Tibet to prevent rebellion. Elite soldiers watch the regular troops, to keep them from revolting.
President Bush led the United States into war against Saddam Hussein and his Hitlerian

Granting China easy access to U.S. export markets exacerbates Chinese demand for Tibetan natural resources
The American government has not always been so callous about Tibet. Until the early 1970s, the U.S. government provided a training camp for Tibetan freedom fighters near the Colorado mountain town of Leadville!
Can we help? What can we do?
http://www.freetibet.org/ FREE TIBET - Online link to petition, news reports etc
http://www.tibet.com/Action/index.html THE GOVERNMENT OF TIBET IN EXILE - how to write to your local congressman/PM. Make your voice heard!
http://www.helptibet.org.uk/ HELP TIBET - Practical support for Tibetan refugees living in Nepal and India
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