This is making my blood boil and more to follow later.
Serial killer Steve Wright has applied for permission to appeal against his conviction for murdering five prostitutes, Suffolk police said.
Wright, 49-year-old former QE2 steward, from Ipswich, Norwich was found guilty last month of murdering Gemma Adams, 25, Tania Nicol, 19, Anneli Alderton, 24, Paula Clennell, 24 and Annette Nicholls, 29. Their bodies were found at various remote locations all around Ipswich over a 10-day period in December 2006.
A Suffolk police spokeswoman confirmed Wright's intention to appeal after he was handed a ‘whole-life sentence.’ "We have been informed by Ipswich Crown Court that Steve Wright has put in an application for leave to appeal against his convictions," Julie Crosby, manager of Ipswich Crown Court, said: "We received an application (on Tuesday) from Wright'
s representative to appeal against his convictions. He has also applied for a representation order for a new solicitor – Why?
"The paperwork has now been sent to the Court of Appeal in London, where it will be considered."
I wish a life meant a life and there were no tariffs. Wright - cannot say Steve Wright because I think of the DJ and not this murderer, was told he would spend his life behind bars. But I find it incredulous that a man who rapes and murders at least five women, and let us be under no misapprehension, this man must have attacked other women, is asking for the potential be released from prison to kill again.
Psychologists know enough about how perverts like these work and they know that it is likely that Wright started to find his victims many years ago, he was not caught. He knows his own danger; he is a sick menacing deviant. When did he start this lust for perversion?
Of course this brings up the question;“Is Steve Wright, Suzy Lamplugh’s killer, Mr Kipper”?
Wright, 49-year-old former QE2 steward, from Ipswich, Norwich was found guilty last month of murdering Gemma Adams, 25, Tania Nicol, 19, Anneli Alderton, 24, Paula Clennell, 24 and Annette Nicholls, 29. Their bodies were found at various remote locations all around Ipswich over a 10-day period in December 2006.
A Suffolk police spokeswoman confirmed Wright's intention to appeal after he was handed a ‘whole-life sentence.’ "We have been informed by Ipswich Crown Court that Steve Wright has put in an application for leave to appeal against his convictions," Julie Crosby, manager of Ipswich Crown Court, said: "We received an application (on Tuesday) from Wright'

"The paperwork has now been sent to the Court of Appeal in London, where it will be considered."
I wish a life meant a life and there were no tariffs. Wright - cannot say Steve Wright because I think of the DJ and not this murderer, was told he would spend his life behind bars. But I find it incredulous that a man who rapes and murders at least five women, and let us be under no misapprehension, this man must have attacked other women, is asking for the potential be released from prison to kill again.
Psychologists know enough about how perverts like these work and they know that it is likely that Wright started to find his victims many years ago, he was not caught. He knows his own danger; he is a sick menacing deviant. When did he start this lust for perversion?
Of course this brings up the question;“Is Steve Wright, Suzy Lamplugh’s killer, Mr Kipper”?
The media have been quick to jump on the link with Wright working with Miss Lamplugh on the
QE2 together and Wright was on shore leave when Suzy was murdered; so did he do it? Wright’s DNA has been tested but there were no matches and the detective leading the case does not believe Wright is the fishy man we have looked for all these years. Besides he does not fit the physical description!
For those who cannot remember Suzy Lamplugh or were too young or were on a different
planet; Suzy worked in an estate agents office and went to meet a client named “Mr Kipper” and was never seen again. In 2006 a site was investigated in Somerset but nothing came of it.
John Cannan is the police number one suspect.
Here’s a great article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2006/jul/30/ukcrime.theobserver

For those who cannot remember Suzy Lamplugh or were too young or were on a different

John Cannan is the police number one suspect.
Here’s a great article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2006/jul/30/ukcrime.theobserver
It was written in 2006 and talks about how Cannan was about to be released after 20 years
in prison. Well written journalism.
There has been evidence to link Cannan since 1989 but I wonder how long there has been evidence to link Wright and how strong that evidence is if at all? Suzy Lamplugh’s father says in one newspaper article last month that Wright’s name was mentioned but it is unclear as to when it was? It may have been when he was arrested?Could it be that because the police have charged no one they wish to charge someone or is it a media charade?
Wright HAS been found guilty of five murders and is currently in prison and these are the ones he is appealing against. His father disowned him after he was convicted. Presumably his father thought he was innocent till that point?
Everyone is owed a duty to justice……….does this man deserve that justice? I suppose we all do.

There has been evidence to link Cannan since 1989 but I wonder how long there has been evidence to link Wright and how strong that evidence is if at all? Suzy Lamplugh’s father says in one newspaper article last month that Wright’s name was mentioned but it is unclear as to when it was? It may have been when he was arrested?Could it be that because the police have charged no one they wish to charge someone or is it a media charade?
Wright HAS been found guilty of five murders and is currently in prison and these are the ones he is appealing against. His father disowned him after he was convicted. Presumably his father thought he was innocent till that point?
Everyone is owed a duty to justice……….does this man deserve that justice? I suppose we all do.
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