Monday, March 05, 2007

Shootin' the monster


It's got to the point now that I'm in "DON'T CARE" mode. I am better than I was but still the little bugger is beating me around the body and I have had ENOUGH.

I now have an added problem with my bowels and I don't really want to publish this as it is rather a delicate matter but put it this way.........something not nice is happening. I need to seek help and speak to my GP and find another doc who isn't like the last idiot I saw who can only be described as a complete and utter ar**h*le (fill in the letters - it is fairly easy). This was the man that decided after ONE appointment and ten weeks after I had my spinal surgery that I needed to have my whole BOWEL removed! Of course my bowel was acting rather oddly back then and as was my bladder. I had just had spinal surgery. It still plays up and I'm now having problems and I think I either have internal piles or I keep tearing which is not nice and not something to talk about on a blog - BUT WHY NOT? We need to make sure these things are discussed so that people like me are not scared and do check these sorts of things out because right now I am scared. I'm also worried I will end up with that prat of a doctor again and I do not want that.

My tummy is tender and I'm not taking too many pain meds so that I can keep an eye on how my tum is but of course that means my legs are burning even more. I look a right sight (No you don't wan to think of that image.

I also have a craving for chocolate????????

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