Thursday, February 21, 2008

An Up And Down Blog Entry

I hope my friends read this especially the one I promised I would email information about a certain procedure with regards to bladders. Wetting Pants Don't worry, I've found a great article to send over the cyber airwaves and I will do that later if my arse allows me to do so. (Excuse the language but I have a pain in the proverbial plus I'm having a nice little bout of tendinitis again which hasn't plagued me for quite some time!)

Why is it that I get a lovely little good patch but then I have to deal with a elongated bad patch?
Why can't I just have good patches which stretch into even longer good patches which of course would not be 'patches' at all but a LIFE!

I suppose it could be worse? I could be a contestant on The Jerry Springer Show! Where on earth do they get those people from? Rejects are us. The stories are mostly about Randy Jr Jr Sr. who likes to wear his wife' clothes, who's name is Lakeshaniane or Winteikaka or something equally stupid. Randy Jr Jr Sr, wants to tell his wife that he has been having an affair with Traybert his gay lover but what he doesn't know is his wife is also having an affair with Traybert and is expecting his baby. She then will get her tits out for some strange reason as will her husband and his/her lover and as will the studio audience members.
Yes life could be worse I suppose. I have a friend I know via the hydrotherapy pool we swim at every week. She's in her 70's and she has been so worried about a blood test revealing something scary as she has had some tummy issues too and had put two and two together to make five As much as I could say to her "Wait and see what the doctor says," she was going to worry about it. Anyone would and I didn't tell not to worry because that would be silly, I told her to not think about what it could be because she would get it wrong and she did! Thankfully she has an under active thyroid gland which is what I have and I can help her with that one. I was worrying and glad to hear it was something easily treatable.
I know she has some very old fashioned ways about her and some of the things she comes out with are not what I would agree with however I think she is a smashing woman and I want her well. We are a team at the pool. One lady is expecting to go into surgery very soon and will not be able to come to the pool for six months. I've been through so much with her and will have to go and visit her every week at her house instead and take a few of the girls with me who can't get there otherwise. Then there's another lady who's hip has been playing up for some weeks now and she found out that a couple of weeks ago that a piece of metal had been mysteriously left there when she had a minor surgery some years ago. Of course I mustn't forget another lady who's having big probs at work with bullying work colleagues and then our male stud muffin (he'll like me calling him that.) He's a lovely bloke who giggles in the corner at our female chatter. We have a few ladies who come less often and two I in their later years I miss. In my workplace I was used to working with younger colleagues but now my life is always with older people. I feel very old sometimes and yesterday admitted to my husband that sometimes my life feels like it is already over. Today I don't feel this way (thankfully), and I must stop rambling and take some meds as I'm aching pretty bad.

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