Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Big Brother NOMINATIONS Week one

So it's Emily and Shabnam?

Would I have predicted this?

Why YES.

When Ziggy first entered the house and Charley first flirted with him I, I thought "He can't stand her". She's too full on but I don't know if dear Ziggy will nominate her? He's a clever man and will look at who the public want to get rid of.

Emily is a snooty ex privately educated schoolgirl (Me thinks she thinks she is still there?),who patronizes those who she believes are beneath her so of course has become public enemy number one. Had she stopped her loathing of the 'lower classes' then maybe she would not be so disliked. Luckily Shabnam is a complete nutter really who is irritating beyond belief and the public will vote her out 3 to 1 over Emily.

There is only one problem. Dear Shabs has been so far up Charley's arse for the past six days that the only way she can be evicted is if a bowel surgeon is brought in on Friday to remove her!

Apart from Charley's piles problem, I'm sure all the other girls are comfortable that they are now safe (or as safe as Big Brother will let them be) for the next week. Who knows what's in store. We know that BB has locked the bathroom for naughty Shabnam's talking to Ziggy about nominations and then Emily and Ziggy have to indiviually select a punishment for Shabnam because Emily tricked Ziggy into saying he nominated her, (she's a sly one). So lets get this straight? Two punishments for the two people who talked about nominations.......BUT didn't Charley talk to Ziggy about nominations too?


BB being selective?

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