Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Its not my gallbladder!?.

So what the heck is it?

Apparently my gallbladder is completely clear and I must have been seeing things? Was I seeing things or just misunderstanding that scan OR worse still have I got gallstones and it's just not being spotted on scan. This is regular mistake apparently.

I spoke to the 'other' GP today. I have two to be honest and can speak to both with relative ease. I explained that I was still in enormous pain and the symptoms fit. I said I was still nauseous but no longer being sick. I've stopped losing weight (shame actually!) but I will cook a meal and can't eat because of that feeling of yuck. Then when I do eat I get terrible gas and stomach pains. I also wake in the night with pain in my flank and under my ribs. If I don't take celebrex I'm in regular pain but thankfully this eases it down so I'm not in pain 24/7. It's always tender to touch though and I cannot believe that this has come through with this result?

My GP has suggested and endoscopy and said I can think about it but also I am seeing a bowel doc eventually (You all know the UK system) because I'm having probl the other end with bleeding. My GP told me that when I had the ultrasound, the sonographer noted I had a huge 'ball of gas' hiding the gallbladder and she wonders because the buscopan has helped so much if I have IBS. When I said it was so very painful she said "Yes it can be!" The other problem is the bleeding and I've already seen when arsehole who I've spoken about before. He suited his job title of bowel surgeon well the sh*t for brains dickhead. Sorry but he made me so angry when he did not listen to a word I said. He decided that I needed a colostomy. Not a CHANCE MATE.
I have been talking with my acupuncturist though and we have discussed that if it wasn't my gallbladder then it could be my upper bowel complaining. I'm seriously worried now that if it is and I'm bleeding too.....AND I'm in a lot of pain plus the nausea too......Then maybe it might be time to consider drastic action?

My GP is swapping the buscopan for another one but I forget it's name. She says it's longer acting and I won't need to take it four times a day which is helpful. I hope it will help!

I might get a private referral to a bowel doc just to speed things along?
I would like some answers......??????

On a good note my son is the next Billy Elliott and LOVED his first ballet lesson. "Buy me white split sole shoes please mum" he yelled as he got in the car. He's showed me some moves and oh what a darling.

On another bad note my daughter is about to walk throught the door and I'm dreading it. I found a can of lager under her was empty. She's hiding food again too. She's very low and chaing her school has made her feel frightened too. Her new clarinet teacher phoned today as I needed to talk to her as my daughter says she "doesn't like her" (after one lesson) This teacher said my daughter is very talented and as soon as she started playing she thought "My goodness me, we have a talent here." My daughter has no self confidence and will not play for her music teacher for her assessment and if only she would (she must). She says "I hate him" whereas she loved her last one. If only she would play and show him how good she was and .....she's home must go.

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