Monday, June 25, 2007

Seany, The Crowned King of Clowns

Wrote this entry then found out I had not lost my blog entry from yesterday and it was all saved from the doom and gloom of internet darkness! (Hooray) Deleted any repeats and off we go!

Big Brother News and not the life and times of Wiglet YET.

Seany the mad Irishman who I never took too went out on Friday. Charley sobbed her stone cold heart out because she had voted for him of course and was in fact probably quite happy he was gone. Guilt brought those tears about.

The one who surprised me was Billie. He went into the Diary Room and cried for the lamented prankster which now makes me wonder more and more if in fact Billi held more than a soft spot for Seany? Could Billi be bisexual? Possibly? Does it matter in the great scheme of things? No not at all.

So bye bye Seany. Gerry will miss you as one of Seany's pranks caused Gerry's best buddy Freddie to smell of lube and Gerry loves Freddie. He did not appreciate the lubricated sheath covered bear he found in his bed.

The weekend ended with a Nobbly knees competition which Charley and Brian won and poor Brian had to spend a night with Charley in a caravan in the garden....Poor Charley had to put up with Brian's dire trumpets.
Charley failed what was supposed to be a holiday and both are back in the house. If you ask me (which you are not) I think the producers thought the caravan thing was not working out and decided to ensure those two failed so a punishment could ensue.....(Evil laugh)......The start of the week of hell is upon the housemates if only they knew?

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