Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Pacing Myself

I'm still struggling and not coping because of pain as usual.

But some good news is my utrasound results are in but the receptionist was not allowed to tell me the results as my GP had not stamped which option to choose - 'See GP', 'All Clear', 'YOUR GOING TO DIE!' At least I know it's not the later because no one is in a hurry. "You're going to have to ring back tomorrow as doctor is out this afternoon deary" came the cheerful reply. This is MY LIFE your talking about and I'm not cheerful. I'm quite unhappy and near to depression actually...........

Or am I depressed?

I cover myself with this witty chatter and make believe that all is fine but when I'm down I'm very down.

My husband said something to me this morning and it hurt me. I'd told him at the weekend that I need more support and what he did basically threw that back me with venim. Actually I need more than support. I need a husband. So I'm sad.....more than sad but I put that smile on my face and everyone thinks I'm happy.

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