Saturday, February 17, 2007

Daisy hugs

This is a message to my friend Daisy who I know is feeling very blue, I spoke to her a few days ago and she was so low and I am so worried about her. I know that feeling all too well, that feeling of desperateness of your situation and helplessness because you have reached a point when no one can truly help you.

Sometimes being disabled gets to you .......Sometimes it's the pain................sometimes it's friends walking away because they don't understand. It must be very difficult to see a friend who you care for greatly getting more and more disabled an struggling with more and more pain.
I'm not saying it is easy for other friends to get to grips with what we have to go through but in time most of them of do.

Planning to take the kids out for pizza today, I haven't taken them for pizza since my operation last March........And right now I keep falling asleep while I type this so I ought to stop.

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