Friday, February 09, 2007


Happy Birthday Yes I'm 22 today Blushy Girl 2 OK maybe a little past 22 and nearer 40 than 30 but what the heck! I'm tapping away on my birthday present and have a lovely weekend to look forward too; (even though the weather report looks hidious).

I've looked forward to this birthday ......Or should I say I haven't dreaded this one which is my main feeling in previous years. As I've said before on blog entries, the loss of my mother four years ago, five days before my birthday hit me hard and I've not been in that frame of mind to have any sort of enjoyment. Also once you get past a certain age, birthdays are just a day and do not bare any relevence apart from getting older!

There are a few famous names who share their birth dates with me and those fellow Aquarians include;
Gipsy Rose Lee, dancer, who was born in 1914,
Carmen Miranda, dancer, born 1909
Carol King, song writer - 1942
Joe Pesci, actor -1943
Mia Farrow, actor -1945
Garret Fitzgerrald, twice Prime Minister of Ireland - 1926
William Henry Harrison, 9th US President 1841, born - 1773
Clive Swift (Keeping up appearances for my UK friends!) actor for my non UK friends, 1936

I'm in good company.

Happy Birthday Birthday Card Birthday Song Surprise Birthday Gifts

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