Monday, February 19, 2007


Mine is driving me crazy as I write this so forgive any strange &*(^^%&(*&(( because they stand in for rude language Shock 4

Why is it HE loses items and expects ME to know where they are?

Why it is that I'm in severe pain but when he has a slight cold, he's worse off than me?

Why is it that when I forget something on the shopping list it's a major catastophe but when he forgets it isn't a problem?

Why is it that when he breaks an item of crokery he doesn't say anything but should anyone else he makes them feel terribly guilty because "That plate/cup/bowl/ (*whichever item suits) was antique" NO IT WASN'T, IT CAME FROM MARKS AND SPENCERS!

Yes, I hurt today and so I'm going to be one moody cow and if wants to cross me he'll be one foolish man.

...........Must go onto the M&S website and buy a new plate. Afro

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