Monday, February 05, 2007

Days all muddled and bird flu

Yesteray was that day!

The official my mum departed this earth.........No wonder I've been all over the place and no wonder my son has too? We are both spiritual people and I think that was the reason for the fact that we both suffered ill health? We all miss my mum and dad greatly and I think from the amount of times they're mentioned in my blog that's quite obvious.

Today I'm still in bed and still feeling the effects of my pain monster. I hate all of this I really do and today was 100 times worse because my son was going away on a school trip for a week and I really could have done with seeing him off. I don't suppose he needed me though!

The big news in the UK today is BIRD FLU. I don't think Bernard will be saying 'Bewdiful' today! (Sorry silly joke for all us Brits)
Apparently supermarkets are expecting people to suddenly to stop eating chickens/turkeys and the like because of this even though it can not be passed to humans? Yes that's as human beings for you, mad as fruitcakes.

The other interesting fact is that this is the the MONDAY that people are most likely to take off sick? Especially if you're a turkey! (Couldn't help it) So for all of you feeling ill and that includes me, dose yourself up and get yourself better; for those you faking it - SHAME ON YOU you clever bunch. I used to fake illness all the time at school......That was the worse time of my life. Now I'd wish for a day of normality!

1953 Sweet (Candy to those over the pond) rationing Ends in the UK
The rationing of confectionery ends after 10 years, with schoolchildren first in the queue for unlimited sweets and chocolate.
How would I have survived back in those days!

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